Friday, February 13, 2009

Nightmarish -

Today has been the longest day ever. It started with a nightmare at 2.30am, that I didn't get back to sleep from. It middled with two of the worst classes I have ever tried to teach (so many things went wrong at once that I couldn't even get upset. It was ridiculously bad, laughably.) It was coloured by weird end-of-days red light. The afternoon saw me at the pub. The evening was all about rooftop bars in the city. It is ending with the start of the Hap Blanket.

The nightmare was epic and had clear symbolism that suggested my subconscious does not think kids/kittens/husbands/staying in Melbourne is the best decision. I was talked out of Eritrea tonight, so Tibet it is.


Amelia said...

hi there,

thanks for the valentine! i love your blog. i love the glimpses of melbourne. i love the knitting. but sometimes i have trouble following - what is the eritrea/tibet plan? and while eight babies sounds great, start with one. feel free to visit seattle anytime.


Ceels said...

Heya Amelia.

I started writing the blog to keep in touch with a friend who went away and my default setting when writing a post is that I am writing to her. Of course, she gets a bit of back story so I don't always need to fill in the details.

I have been toying with the idea of a year overseas teaching - I am putting it off now for a year or two.

The eight babies thing is a running gag. I did my first teaching round at a boys' school and adored them all so much I decided I was going to have 8 boys and name them all Rodger and Simon and...

I am planning to come back to Canada and spend some time n BC and Seattle is very close to that, so if I do end up back in that neck of the woods I will come down to Seattle.
