Saturday, November 03, 2007

I might make another -

It's lovely. It is soft on the hands, easy enough to knit during meetings and it draws a lot of positive attention.

I have three balls of heavenly in a gladbag up in the cupboard... but of course I will finish this one first. I am going to be good and finish things. No starting. Not even with that delicious mohair I found at the bottom of the stash.


Unknown said...

ooo, green birch. good to see you now feel the love. and to think some people complain about this yarn. am um, knitting my 7th in heavenly for gifting in birmingham.

Ceels said...

oh good, so it doesn't get boring.

nikkishell said...

I tried and failed miserably to knit Birch while i was expecting Esme. I still have the yarn (meadow i think) sitting in a glad bag mocking me every time i come across it.