Sunday, November 04, 2007

An ashtray, but -

I saw this table outside a secondhand shop the other day. I thought, 'Cute table, pity about the ashtray.'

But it stuck with me and I decided I had to have it, maybe I could put a pot plant in the ashtray holder. It inspired me to clean out boxes of stuff that have been sitting around since I moved in to make room for it and, as a result, I also have three bags full of yarn to take to the Salvos. It became my good-luck throwing-things-out table.

I went back to the shop and upset the lady there who would never have sold anything with an ashtray on it. I was despondent, what would I do without my good luck table?

Ah, the joys of being really really tired. I worked backwards through my brain and eventually realised I'd been to Birdie Num Nums and there is a great secondhand shop near there...

On the edge of the picture you can see the sleeve of Spindleshanks, all done now, but for the sewing up.


Sharon said...

That is a brilliant table and the possibilities for alternate ashtray uses...

Ceels said...

It is serving as a very convenient stitch marker holder at the moment. But after that my invention fails me.