With presents! I went to a craft-a-noon with the girls and came home with presents.
A Koigu chevron scarf from sockmonster. The colours work really well together and it will be ideal for class, long enough to keep me warm, short enough to prevent accidents. This is the second time she has given it to me (isn't lovely how knitters understand these things?), and I have loved it both times.
There was another gift as well. Grumpygirl was showing me her yarn and I was waxing lyrical about how alive and really mossy the mossy was and she said 'Happy Birthday'. I almost died. I was going to leap over the couch and hug her, but I am still not sure how grumpygirl feels about hugging.
I tried lots of different backdrops to bring out how alive this skein of yarn looks, alas, I do not have mad photography skillz.
But I did recently buy this book.
And it has just occurred to me that this pattern might make the yarn look like moss creeping over rocks. The pattern calls for 375 yards of something heavier and mossy is 350 yards. I am tempted to give it a go and see how far I get.
Or I could just leave it on my lap and pat it.
I also came home with a burning desire to cast on new projects. Restraint, restraint, restraint.
I think it's only the in-laws she objects to. and yucky people.
Excellent, hugs all round next time.
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