Monday, June 01, 2009

The large crochet blanket of enormousness -

I can't stop. Save me. I have been doing this while listening to the 'Protector of the Small' series written by Tamora Pierce, read by Bernadette Dunne.

The kittens like to sleep on my favourite shawl, when they are not sleeping on me. Wait till they find out about the electric blanket I bought on the way home tonight.


Bec said...

Your kittens and I are going to fight. I also like that shawl :)

Ceels said...

What? you have one of your own!

Bec said...

well, yes, but that is at my house not at your house :P When I am at my house, of course I use my shawl. I will only fight your kittens at your house :)

Ceels said...

They can't come and visit your house? I plan to teach them to walk on the lead next holidays.